Day: September 6, 2019

As it Appens



Back-to-school time once again and with it comes a sudden, distinct briskness in the air, a certain desire to buy new markers and discussions with The General about how education has changed on our daily walks.

I read lately that this current generation of parents, right now, will very likely be the last to wax nostalgic about genuine, hard cover books as opposed to interactive ebooks and ipad versions. This is not to say that they will eschew the technology for their own children of course but rather, be the last to sentimentally recall reading an actual picture book – exclusively – whilst propped up in someone’s lap. There are plenty of arguments for and against ebooks vs books and redundant to list them here (and unless you have been living in a sealed cave you will have seen the Stephen Fry meme noting that “Books are no more threatened by Kindle, than stairs by elevators”) but what strikes me, is that we often don’t acknowledge that the reason that we were so wholesomely amused in The Good Old Days was because nothing else was available.

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