Month: February 2016

Best Feet Forward



To me, having a pedicure is a bit of an extravagance and although I deeply enjoy the experience I am not always comfortable having someone crouched over me, whittling and scraping away while I sit in a giant, puffy chair like I’m Lazy-Boy Royalty. I’m also quite shy about the entire process so when I pulled up at my usual place (meaning the place I have been exactly three times before) and saw the “Closed” sign, I was so disappointed I very nearly just went home. However, this is winter, my feet are not at their finest and I wanted to raise my spirits with a splash of vermillion, so I drove to another salon since where I live and let’s face it, there’s a nail salon literally every few yards.

Once installed,  I like to stare into space and not think about anything for a while as my feet soak in some hot, floral scented froth knowing before the end of my visit I will be called “Bee-u-tiful lady” at least twice. Someone will also sincerely tell me that the colour I chose is an excellent choice.

Regardless of the truth involved in either of these statements – I do like hearing it.

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Family Matters – Wilfred Baden Tyler




I know very little about my mother’s family and lately I have fallen prey to searching which is, apparently, rampant among the aging Boomer population who are all trying to stoke their ongoing fascination with the past (and indirectly death), by desperately trying to get something, anything, down on paper that will both document and preserve their own life’s relevancy.  And lest anyone is about to point out the irony of a self-indulgent blogger snidely calling out other people, I absolutely agree. But I don’t think this is very unusual; no one wants to feel that when they duff off their mortal coil that’s it, do they?

But, let’s leave that for another post.

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Full Moon Fever



Often I find myself unable to sleep or feeling anxious (alright, super anxious) for no good reason and then, as I sit upright in bed and see the narrow, silvery light coming through the window in my bedroom making that long stripe across the floor, I suddenly realize that oh yes.

A full moon cometh.

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Happy Valentine’s Day!

Sometimes Sometimes I can’t swallow truth any easier than a sparrow can swallow a tractor. Sometimes a sparrow’s view of the world is much more grounded than mine. Sometimes precise angles of knowing can make truth feel more acute, and less the degrees of separation from honesty. Sometimes the most honest truth is rain falling Read More

Goodwill Hunting





I absolutely love getting a deal and since I am not independently wealthy  I don’t enjoy idle, recreational clothes shopping because it rarely meets my own criteria of 1. finding exactly what I’ve already envisioned and 2. a good price.

I also don’t need yet another striped shirt that I will loathe by the time I get home (and that I actually knew in the store that I didn’t really care for) and worse still, that I paid too much for.

One of the things that I like best about myself lately is that this seldom, if ever happens now; I’ve bought too many items in my life because the assistant took a great deal of time with me and I felt badly or, I was desperately hungry and couldn’t face another fun-house changing room mirror.

Which is why many years ago, I became what is now widely known as a Thrift Shopper.

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