Day: November 6, 2015

Balkan Beat Box




If you have been reading this blog regularly I apologize for the abject misery I’ve been pumping out.

I’m just starting to emerge from a funk-of-no-name, the kind of misery that makes you feel desperate but you are not sure why : there have been a few things of course, not the least of which was the sudden and shocking death of one of my young, sweet Siamese cats. Her brother has been grieving loudly and hourly since, making those dark sonorous chest yowls usually associated with Tibetan monks.  It’s a chilling heart-breaking sound and cannot be stopped with food or entreaties from those around him.

I will write about The Willow Cat in a later post but for now, it’s still too fresh.

Anyway how to pull out of a funk when one wakes up with tears in one’s eyes wondering how to get through the day?

No quick answers here but a visit to my past and recalling which (small) things have cheered me before is always helpful and a good starting point.

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