Tag: cell phones

Buying a New Phone is not for Sissies


So here’s the thing – for some time now it’s been clear that my current phone of about 4 years is lurching towards its cellular Valhalla. I have to clear the cache hourly, and there is a huge stutter involved in simply going from one function to another. It’s becoming ridiculous even for me and I will put up with a lot in order to avoid replacing my phone.  But recently, even an overnight charge fades away quickly so I know in my heart it’s time.

All this sounds a bit melodramatic, doesn’t it, and even a bit princess-like, (Oh-poor-me-must-I-really-have-to-bother-myself-getting-a-new-cell-phone!) but not only do I loathe the process and how it makes me feel (explanation of this to follow) I am also haunted by the environmental impact (which you can see here)

As a result, that whole procrastination thing is a snap!

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