Category: Getting Older

Goodwill Hunting





I absolutely love getting a deal and since I am not independently wealthy  I don’t enjoy idle, recreational clothes shopping because it rarely meets my own criteria of 1. finding exactly what I’ve already envisioned and 2. a good price.

I also don’t need yet another striped shirt that I will loathe by the time I get home (and that I actually knew in the store that I didn’t really care for) and worse still, that I paid too much for.

One of the things that I like best about myself lately is that this seldom, if ever happens now; I’ve bought too many items in my life because the assistant took a great deal of time with me and I felt badly or, I was desperately hungry and couldn’t face another fun-house changing room mirror.

Which is why many years ago, I became what is now widely known as a Thrift Shopper.

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Little Triggers


When I was 35 I distinctly remember believing – and I mean actually believing – that I was likely not going to age much more. It’s this kind of absolute conviction that allowed me to continue to wear those band t-shirts (Elvis Costello, The Clash, The Pretenders) possibly longer than I should have and to separate myself from those around me who may have already succumbed to floppy gym pants and soccer-mom haircuts. (These are always touted as ‘wash and wear’ but the truth is, if you’re not careful the whole family will end up with basically the very same do …)

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